[ Mega Script
Archive ]
Below are pieces of programs, sometimes complete,
which serve as examples of how to accomplish different
techniques. Most of these are placed here, because they
are useful, yet not detailed and complicated enough to
deserve their own spot in the archive.
- Password
Creator - Version 1.0
- Useful if you forget your WWWADMIN password, just
run this from the prompt and create a new one!
- Remove
Control M's ^M - Version 1.0
- This snippet will allow you to remove those
control M's from the end of your lines in a
script, that are often attached after you edit
the file in a Dos/Windows Environment.
- Browser
Identification - Version 1.0
- This piece of code will check to see what browser
the remote user is using. It then determines what
page to send them to based on that information.
- Remote
Host Identification - Version 1.0
- Ever wonder how those sites say: "Welcome
<domain name> to my page!" This code
shows how to do it. (Requires Server Side
- Page
Last Visited - Version 1.0
- Have you wished you could provide users with a
link back to the place they were last at? Well,
using this script, now you can! (Requires Server
Side Includes)
[ Mega
Script Archive